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2025 Sheng-Chan Wu*, Shao-Zhi Wu, Jia-Kai Hu, Chia-Kai Lin, Hsin-Ming Cheng, Pai-Chun Wei*, and Hsu-Cheng Hsu* "Optical cooling in 2D perovskite: the roles of phonon-assisted Anti-Stokes and exciton-polaronic states induced Stokes PL energies" Submitted.

2025 Pai-Chun Wei, Shun-Ji Wu, Yu-Shan Tseng, Huei-Yin Tseng, Jia-Kai Hu, Tung-Yuan Yung, Tai-Cheng Chen, Hung-Cheng Wu, Chun-Min Wu, Wen-Hsien Li "Multiple bandgap formation from lattice incommensurability in photoelectric (CH3NH3)PbI3" Submitted.

2025 Jia-Kai Hu, Yu-Ju Lee, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Chi-Hung Lee, Chun-Ming Wu, Hung-Cheng Wu, Kazuhiro Nawa, Katsuki Kinjo, Taku J. Sato, and Pai-Chun Wei* "Dual crystal-liquid thermal transport behavior in MAPbCl3"  Small, 21, 2408773. (IF: 13.0).

2024 Pai-Chun Wei*, Nashim Aktar, Jia-Kai Hu, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Yung-Hsiang Tung, Chun-Chuen Yang, Andrea Giugni, "Unveiling the ultralow in-plane thermal conductivity in 2D organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (EA)2PbI4 single crystal" Journal of Material Chemistry A, 12, 27686 (IF: 10.7) 

2024 Pai-Chun Wei*, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Chun-Chuen Yang, Yung-Hsiang Tung, Hsin-Jay Wu, Wan-Ting Yen, Yen-Chung Lai, Jey-Jau Lee, Chin-Wei Wang, Hung-Cheng Wu, Hung-Duen Yang, Venkatesh Singaravelu, Xiaohe Miao, Andrea Giugni, Jia-Kai Hu, Jui-Han Fu, Vincent Tung, Jian He, Ching-Ming Wei*, Jr-Hau He*, "Liquid-like thermal conductivity in solid materials: Dynamic behavior of silver ions in argyrodites" Nano Energy 122, 109324. (IF: 16.8)

2024 Yi-Fen Tsai, Pai-Chun Wei*, Nien-Ti Tsou, Ying-Chun Chao, Hung-Wei Yen, Jhe-Yu Lin, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Hsin-Jay Wu* "Grand herringbone architecture securing the high thermoelectric performance of GeTe" Materials Today Physics 41, 101329. (IF: 11.021)

2024 Yi-Fen Tsai, Ying-Chun Chao, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Yung-Hsiang Tung, Chun-Chuen Yang, Sinn-Wen Chen, G Jeffrey Snyder, Hung-Wei Yen, Ching-Ming Wei*, Pai-Chun Wei*, Hsin-Jay Wu* "From Stoichiometric to Off-stoichiometric GeTe: Phase Diagram Reconstruction and Thermoelectric Performance ReassessmentActa Materialia 265, 119644. (IF:9.209)

2024 Le Tran Uyen Tu, Le Dai Vuong, Ngo Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Quang Lich, Nguyen Dang Nhat, Le Dinh Hieu, Vo Thi Thanh Kieu, Trinh Ngoc Dat, Pai-Chun Wei "Improvement of the electrical properties of textured BNKT-modified (K, Na)NbO3 lead-free ceramics in the broad operating temperature range" Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 35, 1363. (IF:2.8)

2023 Nguyen Quang Lich, Ngo Xuan Cuong, Vo Quang Nha, Nguyen Dang Nhat, Lai Phươc Son, Huynh Thi Thuy Linh, Nguyen Huu Chuc, Tran Nguyen An Tuyen, Trinh Ngoc Dat, Pai-Chun Wei, "Optimization of the calcination and two-step sintering temperatures of (K0. 48Na0. 48Li0. 04)(Nb0. 95Sb0. 05) O3 ceramicsMaterials Research Express 10, 105701. (IF: 2.025)

2022 Yi-Fen Tsai, Meng-Yuan Ho, Pai-Chun Wei, Hsin-Jay Wu, "Hierarchical twinning and light impurity doping enable high-performance GeTe thermoelectrics" Acta Materilla 222, 117406. (IF:9.209)

2021  Dedi, Ping-Chung Lee, Pai-Chun Wei, Yang-Yuan Chen, “Thermoelectric characteristics of a single-crystalline topological insulator Bi2Se3 nanowire” Nanomaterials, 11, 819. (IF: 5.719)

2021  Tobias Biesnery,* Weiwu Li,* Alexander A. Tsirlin, Seulki Roh, Pai-Chun Wei,* Ece Uykur, Martin Dressel, “Spectroscopic trace of the Lifshitz transition and multi-valley activation in the thermoelectric SnSe under high pressure” NPG Asia Materials, 13, 12. (Corresponding author) (IF: 10.761)

2021  Wen-Hsien Li, Chi-Hung Lee, Tsu-Yin Ling, Ma-Hsuan Ma, Pai-Chun Wei, Jr-Hau He, Chun-Min Wu, Jen-Chih Peng, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao & Jeffrey W. Lynn, “Dual lattice incommensurabilities and enhanced lattice perfection by low-temperature thermal annealing in photoelectric (CH3NH3)PbBr3” Physical Review Materials 5, 025401. (IF: 3.98)

2021  Ashoka Karunarathne, Prakash Parajuli, Gautam Priyadarshan, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Rahul Rao, Pai-Chun Wei, Yang Yuang Chen, Apparao M. Rao, Joseph R. Gladden, ”Anisotropic elasticity-driven negative thermal expansion in single-crystalline SnSe” Physical Review B 103, 054108. (IF: 3.908)

2021  Yi-Fen Tsai+, Pai-Chun Wei*,+, Liuwen Chang, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Chun-Chuen Yang, Yen-Chung Lai, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Ching-Ming Wei, Jian He, G. Jeffrey Snyder, Hsin-Jay Wu*, “Compositional fluctuations locked by athermal transformation yielding high thermoelectric performance in GeTe” Advanced Materials 33, 2005612 (+Co-first author, Corresponding author, Selected as back cover) (IF: 32.086)

2020  Chun-Ho Lin, Ting-You Li, Jing Zhang, Zong-Yi Chiao, Pai-Chun Wei, Hui-Chun Fu, Meng-Ju Yu, Ghada H. Ahmed, Boon S. Ooi, Omar F. Mohammed, Yu-Jung Lu, Jr-Hau He, “Designed growth and patterning of perovskite nanowires for lasing and wide color gamut phosphors with long-term stability” Nano Energy 73, 104801. (IF: 19.069)

2020  Pai-Chun Wei, Chien-Neng Liao, Hsin-Jay Wu, Dongwang Yang, Jian He, Gill V. Biesold-McGee, Shuang Liang, Wan-Ting Yen, Xinfeng Tang, Jien-Wei Yeh, Zhiqun Lin, Jr-Hau He, “Thermodynamic routes to ultra-low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance” Advanced Materials 32, 1906457. (IF: 32.086)

2019  C. H. Lee, M. H. Ma, W. H. Li, P. C. Wei, Y. Y. Chen, Y. Zhao, J.W. Lynn, “Extremely space and time restricted thermal transport in the high temperature Cmcm phase of thermoelectric SnSe” Materials Today Physics 11, 100171. (IF: 11.021)

2019  Hsin-Jay Wu,*,+ Pai-Chun Wei,*,+ Hui-Yi Su, Kuang-Kuo Wang, Wan-Ting Yen, I-Lun Jen, and Jian He “Designing environmentally friendly high-zT Zn4Sb3 via thermodynamic routes” ACS Applied Energy Materials 2, 7564. (+Co-first author, Corresponding author) (IF: 6.959)

2019  Pai-Chun Wei*, Cheng-Xun Cai, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Ching-Ming Wei, Shih-Hsun Yu, Hsin-Jay Wu, Cheng-Lung Chen, Da-Hua Wei, Duc-Long Nguyen, Mitch M. C. Chou, Yang-Yuan Chen* “Enhancing thermoelectric performance by Fermi level tuning and thermal conductivity degradation in (Ge1-xBix)Te crystals” Scientific Reports 9, 8616 (Corresponding author) (IF: 4.997)

2019  Huile Jin+, Jun Li+, James Iocozzia+, Xin Zeng+, Pai-Chun Wei+, Chao Yang, Nan Li, Jr Hau He, Tiejun Zhu, Jichang Wang, Zhiqun Lin, Shun Wang “Hybrid organic-inorganic thermoelectric materials and devices” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 131, 2-25 (+Co-First author) (IF: 16.823)

2019  Pai-Chun Wei, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Yu-Fei Liu, Fengjiao Liu, Jian He, Yung-Hsiang Tung, Chun-Chuen Yang, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Duc-Long Nguyen, Ching-Ming Wei, Mei-Yin Chou, Yen-Chung Lai, Tsu-Lien Hung, Syu-You Guan, Chia-Seng Chang, Hsin-Jay Wu, Chi-Hung Lee,Wen-Hsien Li, Raphael P. Hermann, Yang-Yuan Chen and Apparao M. Rao “Thermoelectric figure-of-merit of fully dense single-crystalline SnSe” ACS Omega 4, 5442. (IF: 4.132)

2018  F. Liu, P. Parajuli, R. Rao, Pai-Chun Wei, A. Karunarathne, S. Bhattacharya, R. Podila, J. He, B. Maruyama, G. Priyadarshan, J. R. Gladden, Y. Y. Chen, and A. M. Rao “Ponon anharmonicity in single-crystalline SnSe” Physical Review B 98, 224309. (IF: 3.908)

2018  Bin Cheng, Ting-You Li, Pai-Chun Wei, Jun Yin, Kang-Ting Ho, José Ramón Durán Retamal, Omar F. Mohammed and Jr-Hau He “Layer-Edge Device of two-dimensional Hybrid Perovskites” Nature Communications 9, 5196. (IF: 17.694)

2018  Ting-You Li, Bin Cheng, Partha Maity, Pai-Chun Wei, Dennis Nordlund, Kang-Ting Ho, Der-Hsien Lien, Chun-Ho Lin, Ru-Ze Liang, Xiaohe Miao, Idris A. Ajia, Jun Yin, Sokaras Dimosthenis, Ali Javey, Iman S. Roqan, Omar F. Mohammed and Jr-Hau He “Extremely reduced dielectric confinement in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites with large polar organics” Communication Physics 1, 80. (IF: 6.497)

2018  Ashoka Karunarathne, Joseph R. Gladden*, Gautam Priyadarshan, Pai-Chun Wei, Tsu-Lien Hung, Prakash Parajuli, Sriparna Bhattacharya*, Yang-Yuan Chen and Apparao M. Rao, “Room temperature resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of single crystalline SnSe”, ACS Applied Energy Materials 1, 6123–6128. (IF: 6.959)

2018  Hsin-jay Wu*, Albert T. Wu, Pai-Chun Wei and Sinn-wen Chen, “Interfacial reactions in thermoelectric modules” Materials Research Letters 6, 244-248. (IF: 8.516)

2017  Hsin-Jay Wu, Pai-Chun Wei, Hao-Yen Cheng, Jie-Ru Deng and Yang-Yuan Chen, “Ultralow thermal conductivity in n-type Ge-doped AgBiSe2 thermoelectric materials” Acta Materialia 141, 217-229. (IF: 9.209)

2017  Ashoka Karunarathne, Josh R Gladden, Gautam Priyadarshan, Pai-Chun Wei, Yang-Yuan Chen, Sriparna Bhattacharya, Apparao M Rao, "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy measurement of elastic properties of SnSe", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142, 1575. (IF: 2.425)​

2016  Pai-Chun Wei, S. Bhattacharya*, J. He, S. Neeleshwar, R. Podila, Y. Y. Chen and A. M. Rao, “The intrinsic thermal conductivity of SnSe”, Nature 539, E1-E2. (IF: 69.504)

​2016  Tessera Alemneh Wubieneh, Cheng-Lung Chen, Pai-Chun Wei, Szu-Yuan Chen and Yang-Yuan Chen, “The effects of Ge doping on the thermoelectric performance of p-type polycrystalline SnSe”, RSC Advances 6, 114825. (IF: 4.036)


2016  Shih-chang Tong, Jyh-Shyang Wang*, Chii-Bin Wu, Chih-Hung Wu, Jung-Ting Chang, Pai-Chun Wei*, “The reduction of antiphase boundary defects by the surfactant antimony and its application to the III-V multi-junction solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 144, 418. (Corresponding author) (IF: 7.305)

2016  Tessera Alemneh Wubieneh, Pai-Chun Wei*, Szu-yuan Chen, Yang-Yuan Chen*, “Thermoelectric properties of Zintl phase compounds of Ca1−xEuxZn2Sb2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)”, Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 1942. (Corresponding author) (IF: 2.047)

2015  Pai-Chun Wei*, Chun-Chuen Yang, Jeng-Lung Chen, Raman Sankar, Chi-Liang Chen, Chia-Hao Hsu, Chung-Chieh Chang, Cheng-Lung Chen, Chung-Li Dong, Fang-Cheng Chou, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Maw-Kuen Wu, and Yang-Yuan Chen*, “Enhancement of thermoelectric figure of merit in β-Zn4Sb3 by indium doping control”, Applied Physics Letters 107, 123902. (Corresponding author) (IF: 3.971)

2015  Pai-Chun Wei*, Ta-Sung Huang, Shu-Wei Lin, Guang-Yu Guo, Yang-Yuan Chen*, “Thermoelectric properties optimization of Fe2VGa by tuning electronic density of states via titanium doping”, Journal of Applied Physics 118, 165102. (Corresponding author) (IF: 2.877)

2014  Pai-Chun Wei*, Shih-Chang Tong, Chuan-Ming Tseng*, Chung-Chieh Chang, Chia-Hao Hsu, and Ji-Lin Shen, “Structural, compositional, and photoluminescence characterization of thermal chemical vapor deposition-grown Zn3N2 microtips”, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 143507. (Corresponding author) (IF: 2.877)

2014  Pai-Chun Wei*, Li-Chyong Chen, and Kuei-Hsien Chen, “Surface diffusion controlled formation of high quality vertically aligned InN nanotubes”, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 124301. (Corresponding author) (IF: 2.877)

2010  Pai-Chun Wei, Surojit Chattopadhyay*, Min-De Yang, Shih-Chang Tong, Ji-Lin Shen, Chien-Yao Lu, Han-Chang Shih, Li-Chyong Chen, and Kuei-Hsien Chen*, “Room-temperature negative photoconductivity in degenerate InN thin films with a supergap excitation”, Physics Review B 81, 045306. (IF: 3.908)

2010  A. M. Basilio; Y. K. Hsu, C. C. Chang, Pai-Chun Wei, A. Ganguly, H. C. Shih, Y. T. Chen, L. C. Chen, K. H. Chen, “Electrochemical Characterization of InN Thin Films for Biosensing Applications”, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 13, 337-343 (2010). (IF: 1.316)

2009  Pai-Chun Wei, Surojit Chattopadhyay*, Fang-Sheng Lin, Chih-Ming Hsu, Shyankay Jou, Jr-Tai Chen, Ping-Jung Huang, Hsu-Cheng Hsu, Han-Chang Shih*, Kuei-Hsien Chen and Li-Chyong Chen*, “Origin of the anomalous temperature evolution of photoluminescence peak energy in degenerate InN nanocolumns”, Optics Express 17, 11690. (IF: 3.833)

2008  Pai-Chun Wei, Han-Chang Shih*, Surojit Chattopadhyay*, Chih-Ming Hsu,Fang-Sheng Lin, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Abhijit Ganguly, and Li-Chyong Chen “Thermal diffusivity study in supported epitaxial InN thin films by the Traveling-Wave technique”, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 064920. (IF: 2.877)

2007  J. T. Chen, C. L. Hsiao, H. C. Hsu, C. T. Wu, C. L. Yeh, Pai-Chun Wei, L. C. Chen, and K. H. Chen*, “Epitaxial growth of InN films by molecular-beam epitaxy using hydrazoic acid (HN3) as an efficient nitrogen source”, Journal of Physics Chemistry A, 111, 6755. (IF: 2.944)

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